Hi, I’m Maddison!

I’m an Integrative and Intuitive Health and Wellness Coach. My mission is to guide women toward lasting Health & wellness by integrating nutrition and the mind-body connection into their daily lives.

Over the past 12 years, I've dedicated myself to understanding true health and wellness while excelling in a high-stress Software career. I’ve done this to create a life marked by longevity and vitality.

As a Certified Integrative Health and Wellness Coach, I focus on helping ambitious individuals who aspire to prioritize their long-term health but struggle with where to start or lack the time. I empower my clients to make informed, sustainable health choices tailored to their unique needs, integrating wellness seamlessly into their everyday lives.

My goal? To help each client live a vibrant, healthy life, designed around their bio-individual needs and unique vision.

Embrace your health journey with me, and let's build a life that supports your career, and ambitious goals while becoming the healthiest version of you.